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November 02, 2017

Still we rise: Centre for intersectional justice

The Center for Intersectional Justice is an independent nonprofit organisation based in Berlin dedicated to advancing equality and justice for all by combating intersecting forms of structural inequality and discrimination in Europe.

The members of CIJ bring a paradigmatic shift to anti-discrimination and equality policy at national and European levels and bridge the gap between scholarly research and policymaking on issues of systemic inequality and discrimination.
CIJ seeks to influence the public discourse and impact on policymaking through direct advocacy, research and policy advice, as well as publications on issues related to intersectional discriminations based on race, gender, class and all other systems of oppression which sustain inequality.
The global network of leading lawyers, academics, practitioners, writers, and journalists cover a wide array of policy areas, ranging from employment, education, migration and asylum, to health and the securitization of European states.

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Call to Action
Still we rise: Centre for intersectional justice