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international day of charity

September 5 was the International Day of Charity. Let's reflect on the work of charities, volunteers and NGOs around the world do every single day.

One year ago, on September 5, FairPlanet published an article about the current state of international aid and charity. Back then we looked at how the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), laid out by the UN in 2005, are pushing for positive development and at the same time what might be their shortcomings.

The UN described the power of the SDGs as holding "the potential to transform our lives and our planet by providing the framework needed for philanthropic institutions to enable all people to contribute to the betterment of our world." While indeed this is true, as long as our understanding of what aid looks and sounds like does not drastically shift to empowering grassroots organisations and NGOs who develop local skills, we might struggle to hit those targets in just over 10 years' time.

So what does charity mean to you? How are you involved in some sort of giving, supporting, helping; developing in your community? Our power is in numbers.

Read. Debate: Engage.

The good

The aggregate from United States, China, United Kingdom, Russia, Australia, and Switzerland is $410.71 billion

While it may seem as though, especially in the West, our hedonistic and self-oriented lives yield complete animosity toward the other, together those five countries alone donated a monumental amount in 2018 alone.

While most of that sum comes from the U.S., with a report founding that 95 percent of Americans participate in charitable giving, in the U.K., Britons gave over £45 million to approximately 163 thousand charities last year.

On another note we should also recognise that migrants across the globe sent an estimated $466 billion back to their countries of origin to support families and economic development in 2017.

This is proof that despite the current divisive domestic and international political situation the world over, individual care for one another still exists, and is in fact perhaps stronger than ever before. This should stand as a reminder that humanity, in its core is good. Most of us believe that every single person on this planet deserves to live in dignity – to be able to access basic needs, education and have the ability to flourish. We just have a few obstacles in the way; a few too many distractions and individuals who are determined to make us believe that we have more differences than we do in common. We can push through this. We must.

charity work india
The bad

Children's rights are under threat in pakistan

But SPARC charity is working to promote and support the development of minors' rights. Unfortunately Pakistan does not yet hold robust laws that prohibit minors (under 14-years-old) from working. As a result, the numerous underaged people are being employed across the country. At the same time, there has been insufficient effort made to pressure political and economic elites to crack down on this tragic phenomenon.

In response to this growing problem, Pakistan based SPARC, founded in 1992, is a non-governmental organisation working to defend and advocate for the rights of children in Pakistan in a wide range of fields – from promoting education to campaignin

g against child marriage and loabour, and protecting orphaned and street children. The organisation runs multiple care centres across the country and is always looking for new volunteers to roll their sleeves up and help eliviate child labour while lobbying for more comprehensive legislation to be set.


Volunteer with SPARC to promote children’s rights in Pakistan

by Yair Oded

SPARC work across Pakistan to defend and advocate for rights and safety of children. Check out their volunteer opportunities.
Charity around the world
Gamble on the future of Africa

Charity and aid work need to be reexamined

by Shira Jeczmien

As the United Nations marks the International Day of Charity, it's time we reconsider what this concept means and how the West can change its approach to it
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Breaking the refugee camp cycle of dependency

by Paul Hutchings

As refugee camps fill up to the brim, EU governments must assist asylum seekers utilize their talents and regain self-sufficiency.
california migrants

California residents help hundreds of stranded migrants

by Yair Oded

Residents of San Bernardino, CA helped hundreds of migrants stranded at a bus station by U.S. Border Patrol
Country focus

The landlocked Southern African nation of Botswana is considered to have one of the continent’s most stable democracies and economies. With a population of just 2 million citizens, Botswanese enjoys, much unlike many of its neighbouring nations, a relatively free of corruption government and a stable way of life, with wildlife and vast expanses of nature dominating its terrain (safari tourism is a major industry in the country).

Botswana was once the country with the most cases of HIV Aids infections in the world, with UN figures suggesting that for adults aged 15 to 49 the prevalence rate is 25 percent in 2014. However the country has a stable healthcare system and medication is readily available across.

Media is reported to be relatively free and diverse in the country, with journalists operating in safety as freedom of information is respected and upheld.