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Zero discrimination is the goal, how do we get there?

This year's international Zero Discrimination Day is wholeheartedly focused on discrimination against girls and women across the world. For this day, marked on March 1, UNAIDS will raise awareness to the difficulties faced by girls and women of all ethnicities from schools, and universities, all the way through to access into the workforce and positions of political power. This year's theme is intertwined with HIV/AIDS and fighting to eliminate stigma as well as understanding the connection between women's rights, discrimination and beating HIV/AIDS.

As we prepare for International Women's Day 2020, it is important that we understand where the barriers of gender stem from and what part discrimination has to play in our journey toward equality for all.

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The good

laws against gender discrimination are being put in place, slowly

In lieu of inherent societal structures that work to protect girls and women against discrimination, many nations are turning to the justice system in order to put in place robust laws that will see individuals, as well as companies, face consequences should they not meet the standards.

But to date, only seven countries the world over have taken the steps needed to implement laws to support gender equality: Belgium, Denmark, France, Latvia, Luxembourg, Iceland and Sweden.

But while some progress is always good (and this shift has only happened over the past decade), the pace the world is currently moving in toward gender equality and zero tolerance to discrimination is not enough. We need to come together to help all nations join the journey on the way to zero tolerance to discrimination.

The bad

We are losing touch with empathy, the cornerstone of equality

One of the major hurdles to peace-building and social justice are the divisive narratives circulating around the news and social media, 'othering' and separating people and communities from one another.

Focusing on our shared humanity and values and empathising with one another on a profound level could completely alter the way in which we resolve conflicts and interact with one another - both on a personal and societal scale.

Narrative 4 is an international non-profit organisation that uses storytelling and art in order to inspire students to empathise with one another and empower them to improve their communities.

Find out how you can get involved and support Narrative 4's cause.


This NGO creates empathy through storytelling

by Yair Oded

Narrative 4 inspire solidarity and community building through storytelling and art. Learn more about how you can support their work on their website.
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How Turkish Women With Disabilities Are Entering the Workforce

Women with disabilities often encounter ‘double discrimination’ in Turkey – faced with unemployment or lower-grade jobs on account of their gender and their disability. Government work quotas are not solving the issue, so Turkey’s women are taking matters into their own hands.
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@AskAPoC is fighting racial stereotypes one question at a time

Shakerah Penfold has created something I haven’t seen before. As the uncertainty of our times is caused by a myriad of factors - be it unprecedented Brexit proceedings, politicians showing their prejudice across national TV or the rise of hate crime towards minorities - this hostile air can make communities feel polarised and divided.
Country focus

France is one of the most powerful nations in the world and plays a leading role on the global stage. France has a history deeply rooted in colonialism in Africa and South America, the Middle East and Asia. France also suffered great turmoil during World War I and II and in response became one of the founding members of the European Union.

With a population of over 66 million citizens, France is known for its food, culture and being a fashion hub. Under the leadership of its current President Emmanuel Macron, France is currently facing a divided nation where the extreme Right, spearheaded by Marine Le Pen's National Front party is going from strength to strength, despite Macron's La République En Marche! win, a centre-left party.