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May 17 was international day against homophobia, transphobia and biphobia

A few days ago the world celebrated an important day in our yearly calendar, the international day against homophobia, transphobia and biphobia. The day is here to remind us of the long way we've come – until 1990, homosexuality was listed on the World Health Organization’s (WHO) International Classification of Diseases (ICD) – but also the long road still ahead of us.

The purpose of this international day is to raise awareness of violence, discrimination, and repression of LGBTQI+ communities worldwide, which in turn provides an opportunity to take action and engage in dialogue with the media, policymakers, public opinion and our society in general.

Welcome back to the weekly roundup by FairPlanet. Read. Debate: Engage.

The good

lgbtq-inclusive education is entering the classrooms

Like many global issues facing us today, the journey toward a balanced and deeply-rooted solution often starts in education, because that is our opportunity to teach children of the world of better practices, compassion, equality and most importantly, tolerance.

Discrimination isn't something we are born with, but something we are taught. Which is precisely why LGBTQ-inclusive education in schools is a giant step forward in the fight for equality across the world. This has already been implemented in Scotland, England and across some European countries.

To help encourage more schools to join in, Stonewall, an organisation working to promote LGBTQ rights, has published an opensource guide for secondary schools on how to implement LGBTQ-inclusive education in their curriculum, and teach children about the many different relationships and identities out there.

The bad


In recent years, under the leadership of Jaroslaw Kaczyński and his right-wing government, Poland has been slowly alienating itself from many dominant countries within Europe and taking massive steps backwards around many crucial issues of human rights, and LGBTQI policy is certainly part of the mix.

In February of this year, Poland announced that a third of Poland has declared itself as an “LGBT-free” zone, as nearly 100 municipalities and local governments passed resolutions forbidding the promotion of “LGBTQ ideology” and banning the funding of organisations working to promote LGBTQ rights and events.

While the European Parliament has condemned this move back in December 2019, the Polish government seems to largely ignore any condemnation as well as its threat to freeze funds from the European Commission into the country. Meanwhile Stonewall is working in Poland to provide support and aid to LGBTQ communities and organisations that are fighting to reverse this dire violation of human rights.

You can support Stonewall by checking their Out&Proud online store, where they sell different kinds of queer merchandise - the proceeds from which go to support the organisation’s activities.


Fight for Poland’s LGBTQ community!

by Yair Oded

The Stonewall Group is a Poland-based NGO supporting the queer community and fighting against their discrimination. Join them today!
More on LGBTQ++ news

Hungary: pandemics for autocracy, or what's sex got to do with the virus?

by Katarina Panić

By Orbán ruling by decree alone, unchallenged and without political control, Hungary slides towards dictatorship.

LGBT-free zones in Poland

by Magdalena Rojo

There is a minority in Poland that does not feel safe in the places where they live.

ILGA-Europe advocates on behalf of the queer community

by Yair Oded

ILGA-Europe advocate on behalf of the queer community and support the LGBTQ+ movement across Europe and Central Asia. Support their efforts today!
Country focus

Situated in the very centre of Europe and bordering seven other nations, Poland has a population of 38 million and a proud history tracing back over 1,000 years. In recent history, Poland has been through the catastrophic impact of World War II, where the country was virtually destroyed in battle between German Nazis and the Soviets.

In 1942, Polish communists in the German-occupied part of Poland formed the Polish Workers' Party which ruled Poland under strict communist regulations until the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989.

Today Poland has a right-wing Prime Minister, as well as President who are both slowly pushing the country to adopt more conservative, Christian, Eurosceptic and nationalistic laws, among them, are some of the most stringent laws against LGBTQ rights and women's right to choose.