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food and poverty
Photo: USDA/cc/flickr

food and poverty are inherently relying on one another

October 16th is World Food Day and October 17th is International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. These two days could not be more interconnected; access to food and poverty are inherently relying on one another. But in a world where we produce enough food to feed 10 billion people, how can it be that according to a 2018 report, 795 million people the world over are going hungry? This number is expected to reach 2 billion by 2050.

Our future food systems need to provide affordable and healthy diets for all and decent livelihoods for food system workers while preserving natural resources and biodiversity and tackling challenges such as climate change.

In many ways, the way out of poverty for millions of people is to focus on creating sustainable jobs in the food production chain, helping both uplift communities out of poverty and producing food in a smarter way.

On the positive side, change is happening from within communities. A growing number of people are taking the initiative to tackle poverty and inequality to create viable and lasting solutions. Our new series "Change" has taken on telling inspiring stories of positive change, and of those who make those happen.

Welcome back to FairPlanet's weekly roundup, and this time we're tackling two monumental issues at once: eradicating poverty and the future of our food production. Read. Debate: Engage.

Change is happening

While poverty and inequality is predominantly the reality in the Global South, a growing number of people in industrialised countries share a similar fate. Stagnant working class wages, austerity policies and deindustrialisation deepen the divide in societies. However, change is happening on the frontlines of poverty and inequality.

Our new series "CHANGE"

For our series we are collaborating with individuals as well as organisations which support change makers and those fighting on the front lines of the world's most pressing issues.

For the start we are introducing some of the fellows of the Acumen Academy UK, our first partner for this series.

Change Kopie


Highlighting individuals and their relentless work to tackle inequality and poverty by building viable and lasting solutions.
The good

food heroes around the world are making a difference

This year's World Food Day theme is 'Grow, Nourish, Sustain, Together' with a focus on our #FoodHeroes – from farmers to factory workers, food delivery drivers and grocery shop workers.

But in order to produce food more sustainably and reduce the sheer volume of food waste we are seeing every single day, we must all become food heroes on some level and begin to consume more consciously. Local, seasonal produce is key in creating jobs in all of our communities while we learn together to sustain ourselves without waste.

Everyone across our food chain has an important role to play – and that means you too! Check out our list of everyday actions to become a food hero and make healthy food and sustainable habits a part of your lifestyle.

The bad

global poverty is on the rise again, after 22 years

International Day to Eradicate Poverty is here to highlight the challenge of achieving social and environmental justice for all, and how in many ways this year we have seen large regression in the eradication of poverty.

Social justice cannot be fully realised without aggressively rectifying environmental injustices at the same time. According to the UN, "Whereas progress has been made in addressing income poverty, there has been less success in addressing the other important dimensions of poverty, including the rapidly growing impact of the environment," as well as war and civil unrest, with some countries suffering heavily right now.

The spread of COVID-19 in Afghanistan for example has exacerbated an already precarious situation in the country. As the rate of infections continues to rise, Afghans face the multi-faceted threat of a deadly virus, an ongoing military conflict, acute poverty and food insecurity, and alarmingly weak healthcare infrastructure.

Afghanaid is a not-for-profit organisation that supports hundreds of thousands of Afghans across 4 provinces, employing mostly locals to carry out the work; it mobilises initiatives for sustainable rural development as well as community development.

More on Poverty and Food

After 22 years, global poverty is on the rise again

by Shuriah Niazi

The economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic is expected to be massive as the virus has triggered global starvation and nearly 265 million people worldwide may face hunger. 12 million people in India could be pushed back into poverty, according to a new annual study by the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE). According to the report released on June 4 titled ‘State of India’s Environment in Figures 2020’, for the first time in 22 years the global poverty levels will escalate.

The resilience of sustainability to fight poverty

by Ellen Nemitz

"If we take care of nature, nature will take care of us," Sir David Attenborough.
Gogová_01 © Zuzana Gogová

A way out of poverty for Roma

by Zuzana Gogová

“I really enjoy my job and my real reason is that I can give someone, specifically our Roma children, what I did not experience in my childhood,” says omama Sandra from Zborov about the work in the community where she grew up and now raises her daughters.

Afghanistan: Time to relinquish the dependency syndrome

by Shadi Khan Saif

Promoting charity in otherwise feasible environments of some sort for dignified earning of livelihood would only deepen dependency syndrome in any society.