A fairplanet produced Shortfilm has won best documentary From over 4,000 submissions in total, Call Me Neguinho, an emotionally driven and delicately depicted story based in Cape Verde, directed by Selim Harbi and produced by FairPlanet has won Best Documentary at the Accra Indie Filmfestival 2020. The short film scripted as a hybrid format merging documentary and fictional storytelling was first published on FairPlanet as part of our extensive dossier Beyond Slavery. The story follows Neguinho as he walks around the Vila Nova suburb of Cape Verde’s capital Praia, recounting his and his fellow communities' colonial past at a crucial spot for the slave trade. It is a journey of exploration, emancipation and empowerment to acknowledge and overcome their collective trauma of slavery and identity. As Selim Harbi says in his director's message, it is an attempt to "tell our own story as Africans and claiming our own narrative of our past and shaping our present". As the producers, we intended that this African story is told by an African character, directed by an African filmmaker, filmed on an African island and screened on an African film festival to a local as well as a global audience. |