Support Initiatives
July 29, 2019

Help Ugandan farmers access global markets and end poverty

Across Africa, farmers grapple with extreme poverty. This results from a confluence of factors, including harsh weather conditions and scarcity of land and basic resources. Yet, one of the greatest hindrances farmers face is the lack of market connections beyond the village-level; thus, trapped in a cycle of poverty, many farmers have no demand for their crop. 

The Uganda Community Farm (UCF) seeks to end the cycle of poverty among local farmers and build a self-sustaining farming community with ties to agro markets outside of their immediate region.

Founded by Anthony Kalulu, a farmer from a remote village in Easter Uganda who has been battling poverty throughout his life, UCF develops a community of farmers who collaborate with and amplify one another in order to improve their agricultural and marketing techniques and capabilities, and eventually access greater markets together. 

Aiming to meet the United Nations General Assembly Sustainable Development Goals, which seek to, among other things, eliminate hunger and poverty and generate a self-sustaining society by 2030, Kalulu and UCF launched a campaign that invites global citizens from across the globe to support their effort and help their community develop their agricultural capabilities and build ties to bigger markets. 

"If we had access to markets, and a way of minimizing the food loses that arise from the absence of reliable markets for our produce, it would indeed be possible for us to turn into more productive citizens - who are capable of ending poverty in a self-sustaining manner," says Kalulu on the campaign website.  

Please support UCF by spreading the word about their campaign via Twitter or any other social media platform or pledging a donation on their GoFundMe. 

UCF also welcome visitors and physical collaborations on their farms in Uganda

Image credit: UCF website. 

Call to Action
Help Ugandan farmers access global markets and end poverty