Read, Debate: Engage.


With a population of 15 million, the West African Sub-Saharent nation of Senegal has long been a blueprint model for democracy, with a long tradition of stable governments and civilian rule in the African continent. 

The country's stability over the years, and with the recent ceasefire of 2014 after a local civilian conflict in the Southern part of the nation, has allowed it to send peacekeeping troops to DR Congo, Liberia and Kosovo.

Slaves, ivory and gold were exported from the coast during the 17th and 18th centuries and now the economy is based mainly on agriculture. Today, the money sent home by Senegalese living abroad is a key source of revenue. However, economic growth in the country has not necessarily translated to employment for everyone. Although the youth unemployment rate for ages between 15-24 has decreased from 13.2 per cent in 2010 to 8.2 per cent in 2019, Senegal still faces a problem of unemployment among youth.
